• Question: Is it possible for AI in hospitals not to pick up on things?

    Asked by aedwards to Yee Whye, Valerie, Nick, Mackenzie, Lin, Jun, Jacob, Brian, Anna on 14 Nov 2019.
    • Photo: Mackenzie Graham

      Mackenzie Graham answered on 14 Nov 2019:

      AI in hospitals will pick up on what we teach it to, but it can miss things sometimes if it encounters something new, and doesn’t know how to categorize it. But AI in hospitals might also pick up on things we don’t want it to. An experienced doctor might know that a blotch on a scan is nothing, but an AI trained to detect all blotches might not know the difference between a blotch that is something, and one that is nothing. If the AI then reports that ‘a blotch was detected’ we might not know if this is important or not. The challenge is tuning the AI to only pick up what we want it to.
